Monday, September 28, 2015


In case you have not heard, I made it safely to Hawaii on the 17th. I have been loving every second of being back in this beautiful place. The Lord has been confirming over and over that this is what I am supposed to do, and has been blessing me in little ways. The immeasurable joy that I cannot explain has me with this dorky grin on my face that I just can not wipe clean. Life is way too good.

I started class last Tuesday, September 22. By the end of the week, we had had thirty-four hours of class, and done about eight to ten hours of homework. It was a bit overwhelming to do all that in such a short amount of time, but it was good. From Tuesday to Saturday morning, the only thing I really did was sleep, go to class, do homework, and drink coffee. Such is life I suppose.

I have heard from my mother that many of you have been wondering what our study method is here in the Chronological School of Biblical studies. is a lot. 

We start with reading the book of the Bible that we are currently studying, and when we read it we have to either read it out loud or listen to an audio of it while reading along to it. Once read, we have to go back through and make a paragraph title to every single title in said book. The title cannot be longer than four words and the four words must be taken from the text of the paragraph. The title needs to give one a summary of the paragraph just by reading it. After doing those two things, we do horizontal charts. In this step, we have to separate the book into what we think the chapters should be. This is a step that takes a bit because we have to make sure that everything we put together fits well. Shortly after doing that step, we begin charts. Charts are split into three segments. On the left of the chart, we put observations into the list. In the middle of the chart, we insert in all the words we don't understand and what we have questions on. Which in some books happens to be a lot. On the right side, we put timeless truths and questions/answers. The timeless truths are things that could go as a proverb on a calendar. After we are done with that, we have to put a summary on the bottom of the chart explaining what it is we learned from the chart. We have several charts throughout each book, and it all depends on the size. Jonah had four charts. Every book is different.

So this is a little more knowledge on as to what I have been doing the past week of my life.
As you may have been able to see, my life is rather hectic lately with balancing school and friends, so I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Thank you so much for your support in all of this! 

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