Saturday, September 23, 2017

New Updates

Hey everyone!

I haven't updated this blog in the recent months. For those of you who are not aware, I have started sending my updates through mail chimp. 

If you have not been receiving the updates and would like to, please contact me. I would love to put you on my email list and share with you my stories.

If you know that you are signed up and have not been receiving the updates, don't forget to check your spam folders! If you still can't find the emails, contact me and I'll personally try to figure it out with you.

I've been sending out updates roughly every 10 days, and I really don't want you to miss the cool things that have been happening here in Honolulu. 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Kitchen Blessings

It is the beginning of a new quarter here at YWAM Honolulu, and the students arrived this week. We had Aloha Day this past Thursday, so the whole base came together as a family and was introduced to one another. It's hard to believe that we are already starting a new quarter. It feels like just yesterday I was headed back to Michigan for Christmas break. 

This quarter I am once again going to be serving in the kitchen. I often hear from people that I could be doing so much more if I was serving on a school staff since I would be directly influencing the students. However, I have found that it has been incredible opportunity for me to be on base staff. Not only do I get to bless the students each and every day by serving them various different delicious meals, but I am also able to partake in the small groups and Bible studies for the base staff. When I first came to staff here at YWAM, the only thing I wanted to do was DTS staff. I did not end up being DTS staff and I was instead in the kitchen. It was honestly the best place on base that I could have been placed. I learned so many different things (like how to cook cause oh man I'm not exactly the best), but also I was able to learn what it truly meant to love someone simply because God created them. I often have struggled with that area of life, but last quarter I was hit with a revelation. If God is able to love someone just as they are, who am I to judge where they have come from or what they are doing? It's completely unfair and each and everyone of us were called for better things.  It is such a freeing thing to be able to see someone truly grow in their relationship with the Lord and become the person He called them to be. 

A few things you can pray for

  • We currently have 4 teams out in North India, South India, Nepal, and the Philippines.  Pray for the teams, that they will be renewed in Christ daily and that every person they come in contact with will meet the love of Christ through them.
  • Pray for the beginning of the schools and that each and every one of the students will have an open heart to what the Lord has for them. Also that the staff and school leaders will lead them with wisdom.

Thank you deeply for all of your prayers, support, and simply reading this post. It sincerely means so much. 

Love and blessings to all of you,