Saturday, October 25, 2014


This past week I was able to travel to the big island and spend four days in Kona for Corporate week. It was definitely an experience, but it also made me realize how thankful I am for what I have here in Honolulu. The University of the Nations has about twelve DTS schools going on, as well as countless other upper level courses and seminars. There is around one thousand people on their campus daily. Whereas here at home, our base has around seventy to eighty. It was quite a large upscale. While at Kona we had a three hour lecture every morning and had the privilege to hear from Loren and Darlene Cunningham, the founders of YWAM. It was interesting to hear all about their life and their travels all over the world spreading the gospel. And as a bonus, I was able to see two girls who I went to high school with. It was like a little bit of home for a few days.

When I wasn't on campus, I was down near my room at YWAM Ships. It was really cool because it was right next to the water and it was near a bunch of little shops. Being able to walk straight to the beach in less than two minutes was a nice perk of not being on base. The whole week was pretty relaxing. One of the only downsides was that we had quite a hill to walk up to base if we happened to miss the shuttle. I missed it a few times, but was able to hitchhike with a few other people. It was quite an interesting experience.

All in all, my time in Kona was pretty fun, but I was very happy to come back home to Honolulu. The night we came back, I received a few letters and a care package. To those of you who mailed me things, I thank you so much! It was such a blessing to be able to know that people are thinking of me and praying for me back home in Michigan. Still overwhelmed by how lucky I am to come from such a great community. 

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