Saturday, April 2, 2016

Spring Break - January quarter

Today is my second day of spring break. Let me tell you, it feels pretty good to have completed 6 months of this school, and to only have 3 months left. This past quarter has been one for the books. I had a little more free time this quarter compared to the first quarter, and because of that I was able to get to know the DTS students. They are a whole bunch of crazy people whom I love dearly. They leave tomorrow and Monday to head out to the Philippines and Cambodia/Japan on outreach. I am so excited to see how they grow and learn from stepping out in faith with the Lord. Here are some photos from this past quarter and the adventures I have been a part of.

This is from a hike on the island called Crouching Lion.

A group of us went out and celebrated Valentines Day.

This is a few of us after the Easter dinner celebration our base had.

One morning I decided to get up at 4am and go hike Koko head which happened to be 1,000 steps up a side of a mountain.

This are my close friends Alex (left) and Ashley (middle) when we hiked Lanikai Pillboxes Trail.

Our base went and volunteered at a prayer rally for Franklin Graham a month ago and it was such a cool experience.

Every quarter our base has an Ohana night which is filled with competition of some sort. This quarter they did four different teams competing with games such as balancing a pop can on it's edge, putting Oreos on our foreheads and trying to get them into our mouths without the use of our hands, and taking an empty pop can across the room and back while balancing it on a spaghetti noodle that was held by two people's mouths. It was so much fun. This here is a photo of the winning team which also happens to be my team.

Here is my classmate Ashley and I sitting in hammocks. Sometimes we get sick of studying in the classroom all the time so every so often we take our studies outside and hang out in hammocks.
Hillsong United came to Oahu so a group of us decided to go and see them. It was incredible.

Often when I study this is what my desk looks like.

Squad coming at you hard. 

This was during the week of studying Daniel. 

When we want to study outside but not in hammocks, this is often another location of ours.

Every Wednesday night we have a worship night. This was my outreach leader Tanner's last night leading worship. 

These past three months have been incredible. We have studied so many books (22 to be exact). We've just recently gotten into the New Testament and have studied Mark and Matthew. The third quarter will be entirely New Testament, so I am fairly excited about that. Spring Break will last until April 10 which is wonderful because I have been in need of a break. I am continually thankful for all your letters, donations, prayers, etc. It is so encouraging to hear that you are praying for me because it reminds me that there are people back home supporting me. I cannot thank you enough for that. 

Currently my prayer requests would be that my sickness would go away. It is just a cough so it isn't much, but it is still a bit annoying to have. Also, finances are always a good thing to pray for and I would greatly appreciate that. I still have to pay for most of the third quarter and I am trusting God that it will come in. Blessings to all of you! Thank you once again.

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