Friday, October 30, 2015

Wherever You Are, Be All There

"Wherever you are, be all there." - Jim Elliot

Stay focused, trust in God, and keep learning to believe in yourself and the value you have.

Recently a friend messaged me this, telling me it had been on her heart the past few days to share with me.  Upon reading the message, I broke down into tears. It may not look like much, but it was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment.

The past month of SBS has been tiring but also extremely beneficial. I have grown so much in knowledge with only the first five books of the Bible. Seeing how everything relates back to the Pentateuch is actually surprising. It is a lot more than I would have prior thought. So with my studies, I have been rather busy and I apologize if I have not responded to your messages or texts in the past little bit. It is not intentional. I have a deadline each weekend where I have to turn in that specific book that we are studying that week, and then usually the next day I have to do my first reading on the book we study the following week. My days off are generally filled with sleeping in my hammock, watching movies, and going to the beach. 

I have learned a lot in the first five weeks of SBS, and most recently I learned that "wherever you are, be all there." That may not make much sense to some people, but for me it means so much. Though I have been here studying, my mind has recently been everywhere else. Every week it seems as if a new distraction makes its way into my mind. Things in my past, things happening here on base, and even friends from back home. So when I received that message, it meant the world to me. God came in clutch. The work in this class is tough and requires a lot of focus and studying. I have been worn out. But I need to stay focused and trust in God especially through this because He brought me to it for a reason. Do not get me wrong, I do actually love this school. I love everything I am learning and seeing how it ties together. I have discovered that I am actually a Bible nerd now. It is fairly enjoyable. 

I ask for your prayers for my distractions to disappear, and also that I will have an ample amount of energy. It is unbelievable how much harder it is to get work done after sleeping all night and still not feeling rested. Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement! It means a lot!

Also I love receiving letters during this time, so if you would like to write letters, do not be afraid to do so! My address is

2707 Hipawai Place
Honolulu, HI 96822

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